Welcome to
Worldwide Shipping Agency Services
57 Filonos St. Piraeus185 35, Greece
Switchboard: +30 2104127722 - e-mail: agency@constasshippingagency.gr
Latitude / Longitude: 37.9595° / 23.40161°
Port security level: 1
Country Greece
Lat 37o57`N
Long 23o23`E
Nearest Port Piraeus
Time zone GMT +2 hours
Berth Limits
Berth type Island Berth
Depth alongside berth (LLWL) 13,5 m
Dock Water Density 1,025 Kg/m3
Vessel Displacement 177.000 T
Max approaching speed < 5 cm/sec
LNG Unloading Limits
max unloading rate 7.250 m3/h
max Pressure at liquid manifold 5 barg
max vessel tank pressure on arrival 150 mbarg
max LNG temperature -158 oC
Terminal Useful Storage Capacity 225.000 m3
Vessel Dimensional Limits
Vessels up to 180K
LOA 300 m
Draft 12 m
Vessels more than 180 K
LOA 345 m
Draft 12 m
Vessel Manifold Limits
Ship side to flange face Min: 2.5 m
Spacing Between Manifold Centre Min: 2.5 m Max: 3.290 m
Manifold height (from MSL) Max: 23.810m
Standard LNG Carrier Arrival Procedure
All LNG Carriers scheduled for discharge at the Terminal must comply with the following LNG Carrier-arrival procedure.
Via the LNG Carrier’s Agent, by email the LNG Carrier’s Master gives the Terminal advanced notice of the expected time of LNG Carrier’s estimated time of arrival (“ETA”) at the following intervals: -
- 72 hours prior to arrival
- 48 hours prior to arrival
- 24 hours prior to arrival
- 12 hours prior to arrival
ETA message of 72 hours prior to arrival must include the following information:
- Name of LNG Carrier/IMO Nu and contact details: LNG Carrier’s Inmarsat No’s
GSM (mobile), Email
- Name of LNG Carrier’s Master
- Quality of cargo and Quantity for discharge (Cargo doc.)
- Arrival draft forward and aft and estimated departure draft
ETA message of 48 hours prior to arrival must include the following information:
- Cargo and Ballast Handling Procedure
- Annex II (Waste record book)
- ISPS doc and visitor list on board
ETA message of 24 hours prior to arrival must include the following information: -
- status of LNG Carrier’s lines on arrival (pre-cool and drained or warm)
Marine Procedure Manual rev.5 – May 2019 14
- Striping/Heel out requirement
- Storing requirements during alongside
- Verification that there are no unusual temperatures or pressures in any cargo tank, hold
or inter-barrier space
- Verification that the LNG Carrier’s ESD valves work properly, cargo handling equipment
is functioning properly and cargo pipelines have shown no signs of leakage
- Verification that the gas detection system is functioning properly with no unusual
readings at any sample point
- Verification that the oxygen concentration in all inerted spaces is at an appropriate level
- Verification that the LNG Carrier’s navigational status is in accordance with SOLAS
requirements and that the largest scale chart for Revithoussa and its approach is
available on board
- Provide information of any LNG Carrier defects that may affect her classification, port
performance, cargo operations or manoeuvrability, including the need for repairs (if
- Tug Boats name and capacity suitable to manoeuvre the LNG carrier, according to local
Port Authority rules, should be acknowledged to the Terminal.
- Mooring boats and crew assist berthing operation should be acknowledged to the LNG
- Verify that the LNG Carrier complies with ISM code
- Verify that the LNG Carrier’s Master has acknowledged of Marine Procedure Manual and
CoU of the Terminal.
Concurrent with the ETA message the LNG Carrier’s Master shall report on the condition of the LNG Carrier, in accordance with European Union Directive 2002/59/EC (as amended) and incorporated into Greek Law with Presidential Decree 49/2005 (as amended) regarding setting up a vessel traffic monitoring and information exchange system. If there is any change in the LNG Carrier’s condition that might affect her safety or her cargo, the LNG Carrier's Master must immediately notify the LNG Carrier’s Agent for onward transmission to the Terminal, as specified above.
The arrival message also covers any illness amongst the LNG Carrier crew but if this is irrelevant, the LNG Carrier’s Master requests, Free Pratique from the port health authorities.
Marine Procedure Manual rev.5 – May 2019 15
3.2 Notice of Readiness (NOR)
The LNG Carrier’s Master or LNG Carrier’s Agent on arrival of her LNG Carrier at Pilot Station must give Notice to the Terminal by VHF ch. 68 and/or telephone that the LNG Carrier is ready to proceed at the Terminal for the berthing and unloading operation.
The Terminal Representative will instruct the LNG Carrier accordingly by accepting the Notice for the LNG Carrier to proceed for berthing and unloading operation.
The Notice of Readiness (NOR) states the time and date of LNG Carrier’s arrival on Pilot Station is tendered and signed from the LNG Carrier’s Master.
The Terminal Representative accepts and signs the NOR after berthing of the LNG Carrier at the time of gangway placement.